feeling so seen. my tits make me feel so loved but also so burdened, disgusted, and betrayed. i've been battling my insurance, plastic surgeons, and myself about getting a breast reduction for years now. my doctor tells me if i don't get a reduction by the time i'm 35-40 i'll have a hunchback(i'm already developing a HUMP and have permanent indentions from my bra straps) the worst and most hilarious part was my plastic surgeon taking mug shot style photos of my boobs with her iPad to send to my insurance for them to then deem the surgery as "cosmetic and not medically necessary" like okay... just say you're obsessed with me and my perfect tits and you don't want me to get rid of them?? i hate how i can't fit into ANY shirt right. i feel sexualized no matter what i wear. even though i want them gone so desperately i'm scared to get rid of them and lose that powerful sexuality, seeing my chest as some sort of frankenstein/bimbo horror movie. ugh.

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even fun joyous movement like dancing is inhibited by my shelf swangin around, hitting me in the chin etc

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in october, i went to a group exercise class, and was struck by how my body moved in comparison to the smaller bodies of the women around me. in particular, my boobs bouncing up and down was what i noticed. being larger than average and exercising is unfortunately something that can feel painful, both emotionally and physically. thank you for voicing how annoying big tits can be.

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I feel like I am reading a page right out of my diary.

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This seems like a classic case of the grass always seeming greener on the other side. As a woman with a small chest, I often am envious of my friends with big boobs. They seem like they are more feminine than I am and I constantly feel like I am not desirable for my small chest. It sucks, being a woman sucks no matter what. But after reading this I’m thankful for the fact that my boobs don’t get in the way of me existing as a person.

So excited to see you in VT at the end of the month ♥️

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I feel so much resentment and envy towards flat chested people that can just pick up their pace in order to jog across the street before the light changes colour, without having to consider the weight of tits before doing so

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thank you for this piece. this was posted right as I went into my breast reduction consultation! my tits aren’t big enough for insurance to cover the procedure, so I’m stuck with them. i wanted to also share that alessia cara’s “scars to your beautiful” was playing in the lobby as I left the plastic surgery center, which was most deliciously ironic to me

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this was phenomenal and all my fav philosophers are also big-boobed individuals

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I like the panache sport bra for my own body. Check out /r/abrathatfits on reddit for advice on fit and brands that will work for you. Its rude that us well-endowed folk need to do more work and spend more money than the average just to be comfortable but at least there are people out there who can point us in the right general direction.

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as a fellow big titty: I. KNOW. i've spent so much time thinking about bra shapes, necklines (the square/sweetheart neckline needs to be available ALWAYS), minimizer bras, buying custom-tailored etsy dresses, the photos on the breast reduction reddit, if they're sagging already, if the sports bra monoboob makes them look bigger or smaller... and this. how they're in the way. how i hurt and how i can't be what i want to be because of them.

like i've always loved this look of a dress shirt buttoned up to the neck... think lana's born to die cover. and i can't do it, because i don't look waifish and like i'm challenging gender norms, i look like i'm about to shoot a secretary porno. it's knowing that some aesthetics are just never for you. (and sometimes just thinking that you can never be fashionable, because fashion was not made for big boobs. tailoring was, but alas, the days of tailoring are over.)

howmstever: as for the wolf of it all, i recommend taking up a martial art. i started taekwondo, and the kicking and hitting and shouting has made me fell if not a wolf, then at least a pup (w/ needle teeth). i never think of my boobs there (unless we're doing jumping jacks for warmup). you'll need a high support bra, but the baggy uniform with a forgiving V neckline usually does a good-ish job of hiding the boobaroni (sorry).

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omggg thank you for speaking about it. Big tits influence your daily life in so many ways, but I guess every kind of body does. Have been thinking about getting a breast reduction for some time now and there are so many thought bouncing around in my head - do I mainly want to do it to feel more comfortable in my body as I feel so unattractive with my big boobs (yes) - would it make sense from a medical standpoint (I think so) - would I maybe as I get older make my peace with them, maybe even like them (literally can't tell) - would it be giving into beauty standards? (kind of)

anyways, loved this peace and feeling with you <3

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Oh my god I read some news article today that women are more likely to tear their ACL and they think it’s boob related!! So a super well fitting sports bra is truly so important

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I’ve always had huge boobs and the way people treat me is like I’m not even human sometimes. Growing up I was slut shamed when I wasn’t even sexually active because of the way my body looked. I had teachers dress code me constantly even though I wore the same clothes as my classmates, just looked different on me 🙃When I was dating around it was the worst because id get such gross messages from guys on the apps. Even from women sometimes I get weird ass comments like if I ever think about getting a breast reduction(I haven’t) i just feel like if in some way you take up space, people feel the need to comment, it sucks. I look at pics of Venus of willendorf to feel better

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big titted wench here, feeling seen

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As a big chested girl, I felt this on deeper level. I still struggle even to do simple exercises such as jumping jacks or high knees. Also the stretch marks that I developed as they grow just makes me feel bad about my body.🥺 Most of the time, when I wear a baggy shirt, my upper body would look bigger and just ruin my mood for the whole day. It is really mentally draining. sending loves. xoxo 🩷

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Can I get a tattoo that says “I want more than anything to be a wolf and not a body”

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